Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi,
me now go to the field,
glean ears of corn after him
whose sight I shall find grace.
she said unto her, Go, my daughter."
2:2 KJV
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Friends Gathered . . . in Christ |
The thought of doing "P" is for People, with a focus on the FUM theme, came to me a few weeks ago - which explains why I rushed through my "M," "N" & "O" posts so that I would be ready for "P." As I took notes during sessions I thought I might write a bit about some of that, but I'm sticking with my original thought of focusing on the people that were there.
Friends listening |
Now to get back to the theme "A Great People to be Gathered" - those gathered came from several countries, mostly around the United States but we also had two Friends from Cuba and a visiting Friend from Ireland, The Irish Friend was one that I had met while I was in Ireland on Pilgrimage last summer and it was great to see and talk with my Irish Friend Charles again and get some more Irish hugs.
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Irish & American Friends in conversation |
It wasn't just 'people' who gathered, but 'Friends' who gathered . . . for business sessions; celebrating Global Ministries; approving & welcoming three new Yearly Meetings (in Africa) & a new Association (from the United States) into FUM membership; dialogue; devotions & worship; singing of hymns & music; the Johnson Lecture; shopping - in the FUM Bookstore & the Global Market; workshops; a memorial - to remember those Friends who had died since the last Triennial Session; a movie with popcorn (where were the chocolate covered raisins???); conversation; meals . . . and Friends gathered - to learn, to share, in Christ, in community and to learn more about FUM missions.
I had opportunities to have a lot of amazing conversations with not only Friends I knew well but also with some that I really only knew through Facebook, emails & phone conversations and a lot of new Friends. Conversations while waiting in line for meals, during meals, walking from here to there, during free time, while waiting for sessions to begin or after they ended, while volunteering in the Bookstore and during worship sharing group time.
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Friends Gathered . . . in Community |
I made connections with Friends just by learning what Monthly or Yearly Meeting they belonged to . . . now those where fun! Monthly & Yearly Meetings where I knew Friends or ones that I had connections because of Friends Committee on Scouting awards/recognitions. I sat with different Friends during the 3 1/2 days I was at Triennial - during sessions, workshops and meals. I made connections just in having conversations with Friends.
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Friends after Sunday morning worship |
I made connections with Friends just by learning what Monthly or Yearly Meeting they belonged to . . . now those where fun! Monthly & Yearly Meetings where I knew Friends or ones that I had connections because of Friends Committee on Scouting awards/recognitions. I sat with different Friends during the 3 1/2 days I was at Triennial - during sessions, workshops and meals. I made connections just in having conversations with Friends.
My roommate was from Kenya! The other two Friends that we shared our suite with, well one was working in the Bookstore selling old Quaker books and the other is the Pastor at a Friends Meeting not too far from mine that I've met this last year.
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Music |
A Friend I met last July at the USFWI/QMI Triennial (United Society of Friends Women International/Quaker Men International) posted to my Facebook page the week before Triennial asking me if I was attending. I replied back that I was and she said she was looking for a ride from Triennial down to Indianapolis to catch a bus up to Chicago on Sunday afternoon and asked if I had room for her. Well of course I did. It was nice to have someone, other than myself & the radio, to talk to on the way home. We found the bus stop and had a couple of hours until her bus would be there and so we found a Taco Bell where we enjoyed some sweets, a drink and more conversation.
For me this was a new experience, as I had never attended an FUM Triennial before, but I found parts of it to be similar to the USFWI/QMI Triennial that I volunteered at last July.
Peace Panel |
Another phrase was used during the Triennial: 'Energizing, Equipping and Connecting Friends in Global Partnership.' After all was said and done . . . I not only feel Energized, Equipped and Connected to Friends on a Global level, but I also felt that we were "A Great People (Friends) to be Gathered: in Christ, in Community, for Mission."
Recipes for the letter "P" are plentiful! So choosing was really tough to limit myself here. So Peanut Blossoms - great any time of the year, but always have to have these at Christmas. Poultry Stuffing or Dressing - make large batches of this, it's totally awesome, and for Thanksgiving - I have made like 6 times the recipe . . . leftovers are always good to have! And since I've got the stuffing/dressing for Thanksgiving gotta have Pumpkin Roll . . . Sorry, I know that Thanksgiving is an American Holiday, couldn't help myself . . .
(makes 48 cookies)
1 ¾
cup all-purpose flour
cup margarine
teaspoon baking soda
½ cup creamy peanut
½ teaspoon salt
large egg
½ cup white
sugar + some for rolling cookies in
Tablespoons milk
cup light brown sugar (packed)
1 teaspoon vanilla
milk chocolate candy kisses (or stars)
Preheated oven to 350˚ F. Ungreased cookie sheets.
Combine all ingredients except candy in large bowl. Mix till
dough forms - will be stiff. Shape dough into balls, using rounded teaspoon for
each. Roll balls in white sugar; place on cookie sheets.
Bake for 8-10 minutes. Top each cookie immediately with a
chocolate Kiss; press down firmly so cookie cracks around edge.
Poultry Stuffing or Dressing
(for 5-6 pound chicken)
4 cups stale bread
½ cup stock - can use fresh or canned
4 Tablespoon
butter or margarine, melted
1 teaspoon salt
to taste
cup celery, finely chopped
1 Tablespoon onion, grated
Tablespoon chopped parsley
1 large egg, slightly
sage to taste
Remove crusts (if desired) and cut in cubes (toast)
and add seasonings. Mix lightly with fork. Melt butter (margarine) in stock (or
water). Toss lightly with bread being careful that it does not become soggy. Add rest of
Triple recipe for a 12-15 pound turkey.
Bake in covered casserole about 1
Can be use with others meats also.
If desired, cook giblets till tender and put them
through grinder and add to dressing.
Pumpkin Roll
3 large eggs
cup white sugar
cup canned pumpkin
1 teaspoon lemon juice
cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon
baking powder
2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
teaspoon ground ginger
½ teaspoon ground
½ teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 375˚F. Line jelly roll pan with wax paper.
Beat eggs 5 minutes on high. Add sugar, pumpkin and lemon juice. Mix
well. Add flour baking powder, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and salt. Mix. Pour in
jelly roll pan (11x15x1 inch pan). If you want, top with 1 cup chopped nuts.
Bake 15 minutes. Sprinkle lightly with powdered sugar. Turn out on
cloth (woven cotton dish towel works well) and roll cake and towel up till cool
– unroll and fill.
1 pound powdered sugar
Tablespoons butter or margarine
½ teaspoon
6 ounces cream cheese
Mix till creamy. Spread on cake and roll. Wrap in saran wrap. If
freeze, wrap over in foil. Store in refrigerator.
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