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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Walking the Labyrinth . . .

"And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi,
Let me now go to the field,
and glean ears of corn after him
In whose sight I shall find grace.
And she said unto her, Go, my daughter."

Ruth 2:2  KJV

After breakfast this morning, I thought of taking another quick walk through the gardens at Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre, before getting my bags and heading to the car to leave. I did a bit of that and then found myself redirected . .  . to the labyrinth.

OK, why not? I had thought about walking it when I was here on Wednesday and again yesterday, but for one reason or another, I didn't. Someone else was walking it. I didn't know how to do it. It just didn't feel right. However, this morning something was different . . . it felt right to do so.

I found the beginning and started on my way. At some of the curves I stumbled a bit, as I sometimes stumble in life. Sometimes the path became a bit unclear, again as in life I thought.

Along the way I saw the morning dew on the grass . . .

I saw leaves . .  .

I saw tiny flowers growing - some were purple and some were white . . .

I saw one small white feather . . . and a few steps later, there was another.

It was quiet . . .

The labyrinth had a beginning and an end - just as my journey through England has . . . just as in life I thought.

Walking the labyrinth this morning seemed so right . . . Was it the right way to end this journey? Was it the way to begin a new journey? Only time will answer these questions . . . or will it?

It was time to slow myself down and to take a bit of time to thank God for all the blessings of the last two weeks.

A time to think of all my Friends - new and old, those I've met before and those I was meeting for the first time. Friends I have known online, Friends I've blogged with, Friends I met in Peru at FWCC World Plenary last year, Friends from an online course just completed through Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre . . . and oh so many new Friends!

Time to recall all the HUGS, conversations, laughter . . . and sometimes tears.

Thoughts of what does God have in store for me next? When I get home? Next week? Next month? Next year?

I'll wait patiently . . . and listen.

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